About Our Education

“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit;
sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”
Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Our Mission statement: Genially with Love and Devotion we are offering everyone receive and experience Supreme Success* attracted by a Balanced and Healthy lifestyle transformative education filled with blissfulness, eternality and knowledge.

Our offered education is transformative, personal experiences and principles orientated and holistic, which involves experiencing a deep, structural shift in the basic premises of conciseness, feelings, thoughts and actions. It is a shift of consciousness that dramatically and irreversibly alters our way of being in the material world, bat not of the material world. Such a shift involves our deeper realizations of our indestructible spiritual identity and our self-locations; our relationships with the Internal Absolute Truth, all humans, all living entities and all creation in hole. In this way we are bound to attract Supreme Success*, Balanced and Healthy life filled with blissfulness, eternality and knowledge.

*Success is determined by each person to be their collection of life accomplishments.

In our Educations offers and path, we have gratitude and respect for any genuine medicine system, like herbal medicine, Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, Ayurveda, Reiki, healers, tantric medicine, different massages, allopathy, homeopathy, naturopathy, Kabala (Israel) etc and we have gratitude and respect any genuine spiritual path and activities like Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, theism, atheism, humanitarianism, capitalism, socialism, communism etc for guiding human being in our inner universe.

Our offered education has: four levels (in right side picture we see “Supreme Success pyramid from top” and in top left side picture we see “Supreme Success pyramid from side”) with three and four aspect:

Individual Success attracted by Healthy Balance of

♦ Physical health
♦ Mental health
♦ Professional health
♦ Social health

Social Success attracted by Healthy Balance of

  • Power, wealth and economic development
  • Fame, beauty and senses enjoyment
  • Knowledge, renunciation and noble duties

Spiritual Success attracted by Healthy Balance of

  • Realization of Supreme Personal aspect inside
  • Realization of Supreme Personal aspect outside
  • Realization of Supreme Impersonal aspect everywhere

Supreme Success – blissfulness, eternity, knowledge with end of round of birth, death, old age and diseases, attracted by undivided practice based on Healthy Balance of Individual, Social, Spiritual and Supreme Success.

Fife levels of offered education

1st level: Introduction seminars-workshops

  • No any limitation on group quantity
  • Program Logistics: usually one sessions from 1.5 up to 8 hours

2nd level: Group seminars-workshops

  • Not more than 20-25 learners in group
  • Program Logistics: a) 3-4 full days or b)10 evening sessions, usually during a three-month period, each session is approx. 3 hours

3rd level: Support group seminars-workshops

  • Not more than 8-10 learners in group
  • Program Logistics: usually 10 evening sessions, usually during a three-month period. Each session is about 3 hours.

4th level: Retreat group seminars-workshops

  • Not more than 8-10 or 20-25 learners in group
  • Program Logistics: usually from 2 up to 14 full days, where all learners all seminars-workshops living together on a place. Session schedules depend on concrete programs aims

5th level: Educational Laboratories seminars-workshops

  • Group and Session schedules depend on concrete programs aims

If we just for a moment allow or self to dream, what kind of innermost partner, friend, teachers etc we can desire? Hardly any of us desire to have innermost partner, friend, teachers etc, how is greedy, aggressive, harmful, envious, proud etc. Naturally and Healthy majority of us desire to have innermost partner, friend, teachers etc, who is kind, truthful, magnanimous, mild etc. If we just tune in our thoughts, actions, habits in the natural laws, then gradually and naturally in all of us reawaken below listed characteristics, without separate effort. And with this kind of character we are strongly bound to receive our inherited destiny – Supreme Success, which is determined by our personal collection of our life accomplishments.

We are developing and maintaining our offered education in a way, which allow and help to every of us voluntary to reawaken; in other word to transform our thoughts, actions, habits, characters in a way according with natural laws of nature to receive our inherited Supreme Success and Healthy Life filled with blissfulness, eternity and knowledge.

We can receive our offered trainings general benefits, if we voluntary and enthusiastically attend offered trainings. We can experience our reawaken natural nature: balanced, holistic, peaceful and satisfied in all aspects of our life and can feel and experience positive change in such areas:

  • Greater determination, confidence, self-respect and self-esteem
  • A new healthy ability to express emotions, feelings and thoughts, both publicly and privately
  • More comfortable and at ease with others
  • Better relationships with intimate partners, parents, family members, leaders and co-workers
  • Less concerned with the approval and opinion of others
  • Less the destructive mind states like stress, fear,  anxiety, dissatisfaction, moroseness, lamentations etc
  • Have more stable successes, satisfactions, fun and enjoyment in Personal and Professional fields and Life together

Our education is engineer in a way, where all of us, who actively participate interactive seminars-workshops gradually reawaken in our eternally natural character, moods, attitude etc:

(1) Kindness (2) Free from enmity (3) Truthfulness (4) Equal to everyone (5) For genuine people faultless (6) Magnanimous (7) Mildness (8) Cleanness (9) Freedom from ownerships and possessiveness (10) Act for everyone’s ultimate benefit (11) Peacefulness (12) Tune in with laws of nature and surrendered to Absolute Truth (13) Freedom from selfish desires (14) Meek and humble (15) Steadiness (16) Masters our senses (17) Freedom from over eating (18) Freedom from illusion (19) Respectful to everyone (20) Free from desire to receive respect (21) Grave (22) Merciful (23) Friendly (24) Poetic (25) Expert (26) Silent

Please to choose appealing Seminars-Workshops and personally experience Our Education.

1 Response to About Our Education

  1. Loren says:

    Hello. fantastic job. I did not expect this. This is a remarkable. Thanks!

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